The world just stink’s

4 min readApr 13, 2023


The good and evil…

What do I see, hear, feel about these scenarios and the people in them, as you walk past them you see them talking, they look older than you, they are dressed better than you, they look like they have been in a lot of negotiations, ironed shirts with sleeves folded as if they are bankers but I don’t know for sure

They feel weird, it’s like they have a distinctive smell, it’s not just them everybody has a smell, a guy that is probably tried of this world has a very sweaty but bearable kind of smell, you can’t tell much from there faces, they all look the same, charm is misleading, but the smell is not , few seem to be rather happy about it, but the two guys sitting across them negotiating are not (probably)

One of them is smoking heavily, while talking he takes a puff and then puts it aside, I think it helps him think straight, no, sometimes he just wants to feel the burning sensation in his chest, he is tried and just wants to sleep, when asked the fallen child, what was it like?, he said “I loved the person who pushed me”

I don’t know them, I don’t what they ate in lunch, but I like to serve them with something, just so I could see their faces, just walk up to them one by one and hear there response to my offering , I try to look them in their eyes but they didn't look up perhaps they just know to much to care about me, they just want to get this over with

People around them are feeling anxious, all of them have families, wives, children , who they probably care deeply about maybe sometimes a little to much which, obviously does very little for them in the long run, their wives doesn’t have a say in what they do, it’s the usual reply “I’m the most sad about this”

As the negotiation, went on you tried to listen from the window, but couldn’t properly hear them so you get closer, trying your best to understand them but never be a part of it, all you could do was watch from some distance , think about what you saw later, but at that moment , all you did was listen by carefully concealing yourself with the rest of the crowd, so that you don’t look odd and so become like the rest

You didn’t get the context at first, the terms they used were hard to get, it’s more about how they were behaving at that moment rather then the words being said because you were very familiar with the actions, you had seen those expressions and knew, then and there what they implied and meant, suddenly you become aware, but you stay quiet, you don’t say anything out loud, you suffered more in your imagination that in reality

Everybody stays quiet, no body from outside joins the negotiation, they can see what’s happening , they get the plot but prefer to not have a say in the matter, it’s not just you or them, it’s them verses the world tough battle and they’ll probably lose, if they win we’ll know their names, if not then they will become a part of library that holds the name of every failure or loser, which you are allowed to visit it’s just that instead of books you’ll find ghosts

It just stink’s, as you go along the streets, sit somewhere, you see and feel like people are doing the same thing all over again, it’s like they have forgotten their morality, and what remains are only these morals

As you witness the negotiation, one seem to appear as a good guy while the other as a villain, the roles switch as it goes on but there is always a bias towards one person, that you just wanna go and hug that one person and say that it’s gonna get better, even tho you don’t even have the faith that it will be better than before, a fool’s optimism or loser’s pessimism

There was no physical bruising but still your heart was falling and body trembling, you just wanna rip your heart out and see if there are any scars that you might be able to fix by hand, you found some burn marks , but you can’t seem to find something to apply it to, you try to find that home kind of feeling, then comes along a person who helps you with the ointment, you both apply it to your heart, the marks will fade probably with time, but the scars shall remain

Note to stranger: I meet you, when you were a child and saw your burns , when I asked you about it ,you replied, I loved the fire that burned me.

