Prophets or pushers

4 min readMar 21, 2023


He’s looks religious, can’t do much harm…

The question of good or evil, opposite sides of the same coin, one is good and the other is necessary….one gives rise to other or is it other way around.

Good and evil are like the smell of garbage, it smells' the same if you were in a street in New York or in a slum in Pakistan, the notion of being purely evil or good doesn’t really exist. Every bad guy was once good, even hitler loved dogs. So there is the capacity of being good in the most evil of monsters, but it’s also the other way around, people who are good or “right” are really not, they are just better at concealing their evil self

Being morally wrong, is not really evil, it’s just not doing the conventional or orthodox thing, exception being that you don’t harm anyone.

A person is on trial for manslaughter, he says he killed the guy “on impulse” it wasn’t intentional(which is, what happened), the prosecutor who is trying to prove that he killed that man intentionally, says “your mother died recently, nobody at the funeral saw you crying?”, few witnesses came forward and attested to this statement and then the prosecutor went on to say, why did you send your mother to an old home?, the man replies, I wasn’t just too close with my mother, we never really got close as people or family, and as for the old home, I didn’t had much to offer, so she went their, she was happy, with people who were alike, she also made a few friends there(who were present at the court).

But the prosecutor in front of the jury keeps going on and on about him “not crying”, sending his mother to old home or when he asked what he did after coming home from his mother’s funeral he said “I went swimming with a friend” and later watched a movie.

The prosecutor said, this man who didn’t even shed a single tear when his mother died or spend a few days in mourning, from this you can tell a lot about what he feel about people, this ,man has no empathy towards them but he’s rather sensible and aware , he’s been able to answer all of the questions.

The man on trial is not cold hearted or that he doesn’t feel things, he’s just to self aware and doesn’t think too much of the things, you don’t know what is in his heart, maybe he felt sad but didn't show much of his emotions, A MAN CAN BE SAD AT HEART BUT SHOW THAT HE’S COMPLETELY FINE

Is a man is on trial for murder, or what he thought or felt when he committed it….

What truly makes someone evil, is not who much damage they can do by hand or the pain they can cause by their words, it’s how much you can do by your authority and not everybody can do that, real power is not how much you can push by hand it’s the bulk of people that are pushed because you said so, that is real power, the power of authority…

If I gave you a sword, and there were three people in the room, a king, wealthy man and a priest , which one would you spare, the king who would give you the title and the power of authority he holds, the wealthy man who would give you his riches or the priest who would promise you the divine salvation and paradise

While you are deciding, who to kill, the three of them would lobby against the two

This riddle is what an old sage would say to you and wouldn’t really except an answer but killing the priest and the rich man the logical way, the king holds the authority, money itself doesn’t hold power, the state gives power to it’s currency, it’s just not tangible without any authority, and as for the priest , I’m not really pious and he spoke to much like he knows God, like he’s his friend, he doesn’t know him at all, in the end the king holds the authority to push people around or even make them go in circles, just to get some wheat.

The king holds the real power, and he can do the most evil with his authority over the state, he can make life miserable for you or make a living paradise, he can cause envy or hatred among the different communities or make you love each other, just because he has the authority to do so, he can do this because he can.

Maybe real evil isn’t even among us, real evil, it’s just simple abuse of your authority over people

But I think it’s our fault that every few years we hold a popularity contest, and the person who is the most popular among the people wins and will rule you and holds the most authority over the masses

Note to stranger: Thank you for indulging with me in my weird thoughts and notions of people and all sorts of odd things, you have been good to me and listened to me, i don’t really go about telling people odd shit and what i feel about that shit, so thank you for being my partner in crime and philosophy, we both have things that we want to say, sometimes we can’t say it out loud but we tell eachother and i think that’s the best kind salvation…(aebo)

