Morality Virtue or Vice…

4 min readFeb 27, 2023


All the world is a stage, every man play’s there part…

“Morality is dead”, and you have played a part in it’s killing. I just accused you and myself of murder…

Now let the trial begin;

Morality is such a vague term. It doesn’t have a definitive meaning, well IK you can google it and can get few lines on it, but it doesn’t capture the nature(the good or bad), it vaguely “just tells you what it is” not “what it can do”….

Now Morality is most of the time tied with religion, orthodoxly it is said that being “being moral” means “to be religious”, it means to balance the good and evil things in you, now remember doing only good things is not considered moral, Morality means to hold the values(no matter how vile they are) in the society, now that doesn’t feel’s right, but I never said Morality is good, it’s more like a body of standards or values that few people think are right, So it should be UPHELD, Now that is Being morale and if anyone fails to or even question’s them, is said to be Immoral.

Morality has got to do with human nature, But what I said earlier is not morality, it’s more then what religion has to say about it. Okay lets make up an event

Imagine you are sitting in a pub, drinking with your mates. Everybody is having a good time but then you hear a few people, making a ruckus, outside, you go out and see that a man is beating his old, raged up horse with his whip, as he whips his horse he says “I’m gonna rear this horse”, at this point there are a lot of people standing around and watching this drama unfold. Someone from the crowd says “no it won’t”, someone says “it’s too old for this”, “you can’t make it do it”. The guy was probably drunk but he seems to be enjoying this, the crowd would laugh as he hit the horse, he would cry out loud “rear you damn stallion” and hit it as hard as he could, someone from the crowd would reply “it’s no stallion” and everybody would laugh.

An old man who was a Muslim(a religious guy), hated this, he was mumbling to himself “what atrocity is this?, hey aren’t you a God’s man? don’t you fear him. Stop this already”, said the old man in his old-frail, low pitched voice.

A little boy was passing by with his father, he saw all this , but he couldn’t understand why the poor horse was being tortured?, what did he do deserve it all? As this boy’s little mind couldn’t comprehend this, he broke off from his father and ran towards the horse, by this time the horse was on it’s knees shrieking in pain. The crowd was getting riled up, they wanted the guy to end it, they wanted him to deliver the final blow, the man threw his whip aside and picked up a steel pipe, “yeah finish him”, “do the final deed”, “hit it”, “make it rear” a laughter broke out, the man with his might pulled the pipe over his head and swung it as hard as he could, *silence everywhere* the horse fell completely with a final cry.

The boy embraced the horse and started hugging it, the boy cried and looked at his father with a question mark on his face, the father grabbed his son and took him away from this, “they are drunk, we shouldn’t concern ourselves with these people” said the father. But the boy was crying heavily and asking the same question of “why”, oh poor boy said an old lady from the crowd.

The world is gray colored, it’s not black n white and Morality is the paint that every man uses to paint on this canvas, even if you use bright color like that old man did, you will not change the “gray”. The whole color of the world stays the same.

Did you think I was the judge, No I was in the crowd, it’s perhaps the horse, who may judge you for what you could or could’ve done or the innocent child who knew nothing about being moral but still did the moral thing, or the father who knew morality but still didn’t want to act or be a part of the trial. Oh the Muslim man, may he preside over the case, will he be bias?

I never said, I’m gonna choose someone, I don’t have the right to, I was the part of crowd too

Note to stranger: Thank you for finding me…

